Clinical Practice Workshops Announced – Demystifying the Late Effects of Polio and Post-Polio Syndrome

It’s often thought of as a disease of the past, but more than 400,000 Australians who have ever had polio could be experiencing the Late Effects of Polio (LEoP) or Post-Polio Syndrome (PPS). Do you know how to recognise LEoP/PPS in your practice?

Decades after the last poliomyelitis epidemics in Australia, the aftermath of the disease is now becoming evident in our ageing ‘polio population’ who may present with increasing muscle weakness, increasing or new pain or multifactorial fatigue and decline. There is also a younger population who have migrated to Australia who require management and support.

There are many cross-overs in the treatment and management of other chronic diseases and LEoP/PPS, and there are also some very significant differences. If LEoP is not identified, the client can experience rapidly worsening symptoms due to inadvertently incorrect care.

During May, two Clinical Practice Workshops will be held in Adelaide by Polio Australia, to demystify Late Effects of Polio and Post-Polio Syndrome and present practical strategies to manage the symptoms.

For many LEoP/PPS clients, biomedical and pharmaceutical treatments have limited efficacy, and Polio survivors are turning to allied health practitioners to help them improve their quality of life.

General Practitioners, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, orthotists, exercise physiologists, nurses, podiatrists, speech pathologists, dietitians, social workers, case managers, and anyone interested in knowing more about the post-polio body are encouraged to attend. 


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