Summer 2018 Newsletter

From the President

Polio Australia Information Session

Polio Australia, hosted an information session at “The Hub” on Saturday 6th October. Experts discussed exercise guidelines and how occupational therapists, rehabilitation physician and physiotherapist can help us all. How the NDIS and My Aged Care systems work and we received an update on the Sarcopenia Project. The 56 who attended all took something away to help them in the future. If you missed the session, visit to hear the recordings.

Health and Wellness Retreat

Polio Australia held the Health and Wellness Retreat in Glenelg from the 11th- 14th October, and I was lucky enough to attend my first Retreat. The first official event was held on Thursday afternoon when those who were able to, took part in the 10th Annual Polio Australia ‘Walk With Me’. Around 40 “walkers” wearing the official orange neckerchief walked along the Glenelg esplanade from Jetty Road to Pier Street, a great experience. Thursday night saw Parliamentary Friend of Polio Australia and Member for Hindmarsh, Steve Georganas officially opening the Retreat. A big thank you to him.

The next three days were filled with a range of activities, surv ivors sharing their story and professionals sharing helpful advice. We had wonderful dinners with people from across Australia, New Zealand and Taiwan. The best fun of all was the sing/dance along after the Saturday night dinner. The whole entourage joined in as well as they could, Lyn Lillecrapp could certainly swing that wheelchair! Thank you to the “Celtic Music Club of South Australia” for the enjoyable music, their soloist could really sing.

Hydrotherapy Sessions

Polio SA is planning a second hydrotherapy session at the Repat pool, giving our Southern Members the opportunity to benefit from hydrotherapy. This is something the Committee has been working on since we lost the use of the Balyana Pool 5 years ago. To allow everyone to benefit, members will have a maximum of four (4) massage vouchers per year. Each voucher is worth $40, delivering members $120 value for your subscription of $15.

Volunteers wanted

If you, a family member or friend have some spare time and energy, please contact me. The more hands on deck, the more we can do to inform and support our community.

Member services: After many years of friendly efficient service Maureen, who’s been distributing treatment vouchers and answering the phone, needs to retire, through age and ill health. This role involves talking to members and making sure they get their vouchers.

Website and newsletter: Secondly we are looking for two people to compile/edit this newsletter and our website news section. Our new website is easy to use, and only requires basic computer skills - if you can make a Facebook post, you can do it! The people at Community Business Bureau will also provide training.

Brett Howard, President, Polio SA | 0403 339 814